1. All the nominations shall be checked for genuineness, i.e. whether they are in agreement with the following Eligibility Criteria or not.
2. Any of the Specific and Special Eligibility Criteria can be dropped, if it leaves no eligible candidate for a particular post. The criteria shall be dropped starting from below, i.e. criteria listed last shall be dropped first.
1. Nominee should have a minimum CPI of 7.00.
1. Nominee should be a student from BS-MS/BS /I-PhD/PhD 1st year or above and must have a guaranteed residence in IISER as a full-time student until the maturity of the Senate’s tenure. Must not be in the final year of his/her respective program.
2. Nominee should not have been subjected to any Disciplinary Action in the last 1 Year.
3. Nominee should be a student of BS-MS/BS/I-PhD/PhD 2nd year or above and must have a guaranteed residence in IISER as a full time student until the maturity of the Senate’s tenure.1
These eligibility criteria will apply to the individual posts in the Senate, along with the Senate and Base Eligibility
1. Nominee should be a student of BS-MS/I-PhD/PhD 3rd year or above.
1. Nominee should have been an active part of the SDC last year.
2. The candidate must have contributed to Center for Carrer Development (CCD).
1. Nominee should be an active member of one of the Cultural Clubs functional last year or an active participant in the activities of the Cultural Council last year.
1. Nominee should have been an active member of one of the Fine Arts or Literary Clubs functional last year, or an active participant in the activities of the Fine Arts and Literary Council last year.
1. Nominee should have been an active member of one of the Science Clubs functional last year or an active participant in the activities of the Science Council last year.
1. Nominee should have been an active member of one of the Sports Clubs functional last year.
2. Nominee should have participated in an Intra-IISER or Inter IISER 10 sports tournament
1. Nominee should be familiar with Wordpress, and have some preliminary knowledge about Networking, Linux Programming, HTML/CSS, PHP or JavaScript.
1. The candidate must have been an active member/volunteer of the council for a minimum of a year.
1. Nominee should be a current member of the RC
2. Nominee should be a student from BS-MS 2nd year or above.
1. Nominee should be a student from BS-MS/I-PhD/PhD 2nd year or above and should have a guaranteed residence in IISER till the maurity of the senate’s tenure
2. Nominee should have been a part of the cultural council as a volunteer, organizer, core committee, club coordinator, or an active participantin the activites of the cultural council the previous year.
1. Nominee should be a student from BS-MS/BS/I-PhD/PhD 13 1st year or above and must have a guaranteed residence in IISER as a full time student until the maturity of the Senate’s tenure.
1. Nominee should be a BS-MS student of the respective class and/or department.
1. Nominee should be a student from I-PhD 3rd year or above, or from PhD 1st year or above, of the respective department.
1. Nominee should not be a student of BS-MS First Year.